The Foot Pain of Gout


The condition of gout is similar to arthritis, caused by ingesting purine-rich foods and other factors that increase uric acid levels in the blood. Avoiding these foods will help prevent getting gout.

How to avoid getting gout:

●     Avoid drinking alcohol—Grain-based alcoholic beverages such as whiskey, bourbon, and beer known to increase uric acid formation in the blood, can trigger a gout attack. The level has to be raised a little, so even one extra drink can cause the attack to occur, but it may not happen until the wee hours of the morning as the painful crystals form in the joints of the feet.

●     Avoid eating rich foods high in purines— Eating seafood, organ meats and fatty steaks in moderation should help decrease uric acid levels. Cherry juice and organic apple cider vinegar can help lower uric acid levels.

Although a gout attack will usually decrease rapidly over a day or two, repeated attacks on the joints can cause permanent damage and can reduce mobility.  It’s important to get your uric acid levels under control to avoid debilitating complications.

If you are experiencing painful gout attacks, your foot doctor can help. At Fit Feet for Life, our team of board-certified podiatrists has access to advanced technologies and years of experience to help diagnose and treat a variety of foot and ankle problems, including heel pain, sports injuries, toe deformities, nail fungus, and plantar warts.  Bonnie Sanchez, DPM, Gregory Cook, DPM, and Huy L. Nguyen, DPM provide high-quality foot and ankle care to patients in the Tampa/St. Petersburg area at our five offices conveniently located in Sun City Center, Clearwater, St. Petersburg, and our two Tampa locations. Please contact us for more information or to schedule an appointment.